WCC UK Call for Blog Posts
The Women’s Classical Committee (UK) is pleased to issue an open-ended call for members to contribute to the WCC UK blog. This aim is two-fold: to increase the use and readership of the blog, and to promote the work of our membership.
We welcome submissions on a range of topics including (but not limited to):
- your research
- pedagogy
- current topics in academia / schools / other fields related to Classics, Ancient History, and Archaeology broadly defined
- issues relevant to the aims of the WCC UK
- personal stories or experiences
- book reviews
- public engagement or outreach activities
- any other topic you wish to write about
Blog posts should be in a range of 800-1500 words. Light touch editing may be carried out by members of the social media team. Posts can be anonymised. If you are interested in contributing to the blog on any topic, please contact womensclassicalcommittee@gmail.com with a brief description of the topic you wish to write about and a time frame for when you expect to complete the post.