Vacancy: Mentoring Officer


Following the appointment of Dr. Christine Plastow as Treasurer of the WCC UK, we are now looking for a Mentoring Officer to take over our mentoring programme. The Mentoring Officer is a liaison position; office holders volunteer for a renewable two year term.

Taking up the role of the WCC UK’s Mentoring Officer involves administrating the Committee’s three mentoring schemes:

Short term Mentoring Scheme

The Short-term Mentoring Scheme offers focused support around a specific issue for a fixed period. We maintain a database of mentors who are able to offer guidance on particular topics. The scheme runs year round. Administrating the scheme involves:

  • assigning mentees to an appropriate mentor within two weeks of application
  • confirming with mentors that they wish to remain on the rota on an annual basis
  • putting out a call for new mentors periodically as mentors cycle off the rota

Co-mentoring Triad Scheme

The Co-mentoring Triad Scheme offers reciprocal support over the course of one academic year. The scheme runs annually. Administrating the scheme involves:

  • putting out a call for applicants to the scheme in late August/September
  • grouping triads and putting them in touch with each other in September, and circulating guidance for the mentoring relationship
  • soliciting feedback from the participants in the following August

Take a Grad Student to Lunch Scheme

The ‘Take a Grad Student to Lunch’ Scheme offers focused, one-off support for MA and PhD students, and occurs annually at the Classical Association Conference. Administrating the scheme involves:

  • putting out a call for mentors and mentees 12 weeks before the CA Conference
  • matching mentors and mentees 6 weeks before the conference
  • soliciting feedback from participants after the conference

More information about the schemes themselves can be found on the Mentoring Schemes webpage.

Other tasks include:

  • promoting the mentoring schemes
  • fielding mentoring queries throughout the year, particularly directing applicants towards the appropriate scheme
  • using participant feedback to develop and improve the schemes
  • preparing reports for the WCC UK Steering Committee
  • attending WCC UK Steering Committee meetings if available

The role is focused on email correspondence and maintaining (very small) databases and lists of participants, as well as keeping an eye on scheme deadlines. It would suit someone oriented towards detail who wants to feel they are doing something concrete to help the WCC UK community. If you have any questions about the role, please contact the outgoing mentoring officer, Christine Plastow, at christine.plastow at open.ac.uk.

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