WCC UK Mentoring Schemes

The WCC UK runs three mentoring schemes. All three schemes are available to all members in good standing. By signing up to any of the mentoring schemes, you agree to abide by the WCC UK Mentoring Guidelines. All schemes are administrated by the Mentoring Officers.

If you have any questions or feedback about any of the mentoring schemes, please feel free to contact the Mentoring Officers.

Short-term Mentoring Scheme

The Short-term Mentoring Scheme offers focused support around a specific issue for a fixed period. We maintain a database of mentors who are able to offer guidance on particular topics. When a mentee signs up, they are matched within two weeks with a suitable mentor. They may then contact this mentor about the topic mentioned on their sign-up form, and the mentor has pledged to reply within two weeks. Mentoring will usually be carried out by email, though any other means of communication are acceptable at the discretion of the mentor and mentee. The mentoring period should not exceed three months, and will often be shorter.

This scheme runs all year round.

Mentor sign-up

Mentee sign-up

Co-mentoring Triads Scheme

The Co-mentoring Triads Scheme offers reciprocal support over the course of one academic year. In late summer, co-mentors sign up to the scheme and are matched with two other co-mentors to form a triad. The triad may then meet and communicate as often as they choose using whatever means suit them best. Triads may conduct their co-mentoring in any way they see fit, though some guidance materials are provided when each triad is set up which may be used if suitable. The triad system is designed to avoid the hierarchical relationship often established in traditional mentoring schemes, and encourages members at all stages of their careers to learn from each other.

The scheme is now open for signup. Please use this form to sign up

Conference Graduate Mentoring Scheme

The Conference Graduate Mentoring Scheme offers focused, one-off support for MA and PhD students, and occurs annually at the Classical Association Conference. Sign-up opens approximately 12 weeks before the conference. Postgraduate students at any stage (from registration through to post-viva submission) are matched with mentors (who should normally hold a permanent academic position), who take them for a mentoring lunch during the conference. Mentees are asked to provide in advance some information about the areas for which they are seeking mentoring, though there are no limitations on this. Presence at the conference, or ability to attend the conference location, is a prerequisite for participation in this scheme as either a mentor or mentee.

This scheme runs annually alongside the annual Classical Association conference. Information about signing up will be circulated by email at the appropriate time.