Classical Translations and Editions by Women

We rely on suggestions to keep this list up to date – if you know of a text which should be on here and isn’t, please e-mail us the details at womensclassicalcommittee at gmail.com.


Carson, Anne (2009) An Oresteia. Faber & Faber.


Hall, Edith (1996) Persians (Classical texts). Aris & Phillips.

Swanwick, Anna (1886) The Dramas of Aeschylus. 4th edition. George Bell.


Voigt, Eva-Maria (1971) Sappho et Alcaeus. Polak & van Gennep.


Ruden, Sarah (2013) The Golden Ass. Yale UP.


Dunbar, N. (1995) Aristophanes: Birds. Clarendon Press.



Nussbaum, Martha Craven (1978) Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium. Princeton University Press.


Hammond, Carolyn (2014) Augustine: Confessions. Books 1-8. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.

Ruden, Sarah (2017) Confessions. Modern Library.


Gardner, Jane (1982) Caesar: The Conquest of Gaul. Penguin Classics. Penguin.


Harder, Annette (2012) Callimachus. Aetia (2 vols). Oxford University Press.

Rayor, Diane J. and Stanley Lombardo (1987) Callimachus; Hymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Stephens, Susan A. (2015), The Hymns. Oxford University Press.


Balmer, Josephine (2004) Catullus: Poems of Love and Hate. Bloodaxe.

Gale, Monica [forthcoming]

Kaveney, Roz [online versions]

Trimble, Gail [forthcoming]


Fotheringham, Lynn (2013) Pro Milone, BICS supplements. Institute of Classical Studies.

Fantham, Elaine (2013) Cicero’s Pro L. Murena Oratio. American Philological Association texts and commentaries series. Oxford University Press.

Griffin, Miriam T. and E. Margaret Atkins (1991) Cicero. On Duties. Cambridge University Press, 1991


Innes, Doreen (1995) Demetrius: On Style, in Aristotle Poetics, Longinus On the Sublime, Demetrius on Style. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.


Carter, Elizabeth (1758) All the Works of Epictetus, Which are Now Extant. 


Carons, Anne (fortcoming) Bakkhai.

Mossman, Judith (2011) Medea: Introduction, Translation and Commentary.  Aris & Phillips.

Parker, L.P.E. (2007) Alcestis. Oxford University Press.

Rayor, Diane J. (2013) Euripides’ Medea. Cambridge University Press.


McElwain, Mary B. (and Charles Bennett) (1925) Frontinus: Strategems, Aquaducts of Rome. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.


Barbour, Amy and Megan O. Drinkwater (2011 [1929]) Selections from Herodotus. University of Oklahoma Press. 

Purvis, Andrea L. (with Robert B. Strassler) (2009) The Landmark Herodotus: The Histories. Anchor.


Johnson, Kimberley (2017) Theogony and Works and Days. Northwestern.

Stallings, A.E. (2018) Works and Days. Penguin Classics.


Alexander, Caroline (2015) The Iliad. Vintage Classics.

Dacier, Anne (1699) Iliad and (1708) Odyssey.

Dué, Casey and Mary Ebbott (2010) Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush: A Multitext Edition with Essays and Commentary. Harvard University Press.

Graziosi, Barbara and Johannes Haubold (2010) Iliad. Book VI. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Jong, Irene De (2012) Iliad. Book XXII. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Wilson, Emily (2017) The Odyssey. W.W. Norton & Company.

Homeric Hymns

Ruden, Sarah (2005) Homeric Hymns. Hackett.

Rayor, Diane J. (2014) The Homeric Hymns. University of California Press.


Gowers, Emily (2012) Satires. Book 1. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Hubbard, Margaret (1991 [1989]) (with R.G.M. Nisbet) A Commentary on Horace: Odes I & II. Oxford University Press.


Braund, Susanna M. (1996) Satires. Book 1. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Braund,  Susanna M. (2004) Juvenal and Persius. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.


Braund, Susanna M. (2008) Lucan: Civil War. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press.

Braund, Susanna M. (2009) A Lucan Reader: Selections from Civil War. BC Latin Readers. Bolchazy-Carducci.

Fantham, Elaine (1992) De bello civili. Book II. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Matthews, Monica (2008) Caesar and the Storm: A Commentary on Lucan, De Bello Civili, Book 5, lines 476-721. Peter Lang.

Wick, Claudia (2004) Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, Bellum Civile, liber IX. I: Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung; II: Kommentar. K.G. Saur.

Wilson Joyce, Jane (1994) Lucan: Pharsalia. Cornell University Press.


Lightfoot, Jane L. (2003) On the Syrian Goddess. Oxford University Press.


Gee, Emma (forthcoming)

Hutchinson, Lucy (b. 1620 d. 1681) De Rerum Natura.

Piazzi, Lisa (2006) Lucrezio e i presocratici. Edizioni della Normale.

Stallings, A.E. (2007) Lucretius: The Nature of Things. Penguin Classics. Penguin.

Marcus Aurelius and Fronto

Richlin, Amy (2007) Marcus Aurelius in Love. University of Chicago Press.


McLean, Susan (2014) Selected Epigrams. Martial. University of Wisconsin Press.


Miller, Norma (2004) Menander: Plays and Fragments. Penguin Classics. Penguin.

Musonius Rufus

Lutz, Cora (2020; 1947) That One Should Disdain Hardships: The Teachings of a Roman Stoic. Yale University Press.


Hejduk, Julia Dyson (2014) The Offense of Love. Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Tristia 2. University of Wisconsin Press.

Fantham, Elaine (1998) Fasti. Book IV. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Ingleheart, Jennifer (2010) Tristia Book 2. Oxford University Press.

McCarter, Stephanie (forthcoming) Ovid Metamorphoses. Penguin Classics.

Myers, K. Sara (2009) Ovid Metamorphoses 14. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Pollard, Clare (2013) Ovid’s Heroines. Bloodaxe.

Wiseman, Anne and Peter Wiseman (2013) Ovid: Fasti. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press.


Braund,  Susanna M. (2004) Juvenal and Persius. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.


Ruden, Sarah (2000) Petronius: Satyricon. Hackett.


Levett, Jane (with M.F. Burnyeat) (1990) The Theaetetus of Plato. Hackett.

Murray, Penelope (1996) Plato on poetry: Ion; Republic 376e-398b9; Republic 595-608b10. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.


Moore-Blunt, Jennifer (1985) Platonis Epistulae. Teubner.


Richlin, Amy (2005) Rome and the Mysterious Orient: Three Plays by Plautus, translated with introductions and notes. University of California Press.


Radice, Betty (2003) The Letters of the Younger Pliny. Penguin Classics. Penguin.


Hatch, Diane and Elizabeth Clark (1981), The Golden Bough, the Oaken Cross: The Virgilian Cento of Faltonia Betitia Proba. Scholars Press.

Schotennius Cullhed, Sigrid (2015), Proba the Prophet: The Christian Virgilian Cento of Faltonia Betitia Proba. Brill.


Balmer, Josephine (1992) Sappho: Poems and Fragments. Bloodaxe.

Barnard, Mary (2000) Sappho: A New Translation. University of California Press.

Carson, Anne (2003) If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. Virago.

Rayor, Diane (2014) Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works. Cambridge University Press.

Voigt, Eva-Maria (1971) Sappho et Alcaeus. Polak & van Gennep.


Braund, Susanna (2011) Seneca: De Clementia. Oxford University Press.

Fantham, Elaine (1982) Seneca’s Troades: A literary introduction with text, translation, and commentary. Princeton University Press.

Fantham, Elaine (2010) Seneca: Selected Letters. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press.

Fantham, Elaine (2014) “On Tranquility” in Hardship and Happiness, Seneca Dialogues 1-2 and 6-12. Chicago.

Wilson, Emily (2010) Seneca: Six Tragedies. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press.


Noussia-Fantuzzi, Maria (2010) Solon the Athenian, the Poetic Fragments. Brill.


Carson, Anne (2012) Antigonick (Sophokles). Bloodaxe.

Easterling, Patricia E. (1982) Trachiniae. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Rayor, Diane J. (2011) Sophocles’ Antigone. Cambridge University Press.

Wilson Joyce, Jane (2008) Statius, Thebaid: A Song of Thebes. Cornell University Press.

Wilson, Emily (forthcoming) Oedipus Tyrannos. Critical Edition and Translation. Norton.


Nagle, Betty Rose (2004) The Silvae of Statius. Translated with Notes and Introduction. Indiana University Press.

Suda/ Suidas

Adler, Ada (1928-38) Suidae Lexicon. Reprinted 1967-71, Stuttgart.


Edwards, Catherine (2008) Lives of the Caesars. Oxford World’s Classics. Oxford University Press.


Damon, Cynthia (2003) Tacitus: Histories Book I. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Ash, Rhiannon (2007) Tacitus: Histories Book II. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.


Hanink, Johanna (2019) How to Think about War: An Ancient Guide to Foreign Policy. Speeches from The History of the Peloponnesian War (selected and translated). Princeton University Press.


Bartsch-Zimmer, Shadi (November 2020) Aeneid. Random House.

Lembke, Janet (2006) Virgil’s Georgics. Yale University Press.

Ottaviano, Silvia (2010) Bucolica in S. Ottaviano and G.B. Conte, Bucolica-Georgica. de Gruyter.

Ruden, Sarah (2008) The Aeneid. Vergil. Yale University Press.


Gray, Vivienne J. (2007) Xenophon on Government. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge University Press.

Pomeroy, Sarah (1994) Xenophon, Oeconomicus: A social and historical commentary, with a new English translation. Clarendon Press.


Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, with a project team including Charlotte Roueché and Joyce Reynolds.

Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica, with a project team including Joyce Reynolds, Charlotte Roueché, Catherine Dobias-Lalou, Simona Stoyanova and Irene Vagionakis.

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, with a project team including Charlotte Roueché, Irene Vagionakis, Caroline Barron, Francesca Bigi and Catherine Dobias-Lalou

Sourcebooks and Anthologies

Balmer, Josephine (1996) Classical Women Poets. Bloodaxe.

Cooley, Alison (2014) Pompeii and Herculaneum: A Sourcebook (2nd edn, with M.G.L. Cooley). Routledge.

Kennedy, Rebecca F., C. Sydnor Roy and Max L. Goldman (2013) Race and Ethnicity in the Classical World: An Anthology of Primary Sources in Translation. Hackett.

Lightfoot, Jane (2010) Hellenistic Collection. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press.

Rayor, Diane J. (1991) Sappho’s Lyre: Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece. University of California Press.

Sharing Ancient Wisdoms, with a project team including Anna Jordanous, Faith Lawrence, Charlotte Roueché, Charlotte Tupman and Elvira Wakelnig.