Confronting Class. Elitism in Classics and the UK Academy – Calls for Participants


The Women’s Classical Committee invites expressions of interest from anyone who would like to be part of a task force to tackle everyday elitism in departments of Classics, Ancient History and Classical Archaeology in the UK today.

Class and socio-economic background inform how we research, teach, and communicate with each other. The advantages and disadvantages that come with our different backgrounds affect us before coming to university but also continue to shape our experiences long after our first degree. We hope to bring together a group of people who have felt marginalised by this frequently unacknowledged source of prejudice, and begin a constructive discussion to challenge elitism at every level.

If you would be interested in leading, taking part in, or listening to this conversation, please email womensclassicalcommittee at gmail.com by April 30th 2018, giving any information you think relevant, and an indication of how involved (leading, taking part in, listening) you would like to be in setting up a task force for, initially, organising/participating in a day-long workshop on the subject.

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