The WCC UK at the Classical Association 2018
by lizgloyn
We are delighted that the Women’s Classical Committee UK will have a very strong presence at the upcoming Classical Association conference in Leicester. If you’d like to catch up with us, here’s what’s going on…
Take A Graduate Student To Lunch
We will be running the first of our mentoring events as part of our aim to advance equality and diversity in Classics and to provide support for junior colleagues in the profession. Modelled on the Women’s Classical Caucus SCS ‘Research Coffees’ scheme, this process promotes mentoring connections between established and junior scholars. We hope that junior researchers will get together informally with established scholars to gain from their expertise and discuss their research and career aspirations. We will do our best to match up mentors and mentees appropriately, and then pass on mentees’ contact details to their mentors, who will then get in touch to arrange the meeting. Participation is open to current members only and an e-mail with more details will be going out soon; if you have questions about how to sign up, please e-mail us at womensclassicalcommittee at You can find out how to join the WCC UK here.
Saturday 7th April
8pm – social event, the Marquis Wellington pub. Coordinator – Liz Gloyn. Turn up, have a drink or a smoothie, and chat to like-minded classicists – and be ahead of the crowd for the conference disco which begins at 9pm!
Sunday 8th April
9am-11am – WCC UK organised panel 1: Materiality and Gender I
Chair: Liz Gloyn
S. Sheard – Gendering the Projecta Casket
S. Rainbow – The Gendering of Lefkandi Knives
E. Mackin Roberts – Girls’ Bodies as Religious Objects in Classical Athens
L. Webb – Gendering The Roman Imago: Clarae Imagines from Filia to Funus
2pm-4pm – WCC UK organised panel 2: Materiality and Gender II
Chair: Rosa Andújar
K. Backler – Μνήματα Χειρῶν: Textiles and their Authors in the Homeric Epics
M. Gerolemou: Material Agents: Hesiod’s Pandora and Posthuman Feminism
K. Ladianou – Material Girls in Sparta: Language, Performance and Materiality in Alcman’s Partheneion
C. Blanco – Women Feminising the Womaniser: The Case of Deianira in Sophocles’ Women of Trachis
Please also keep an eye out for members of the WCC UK sporting badges featuring our brand new logo, once more coordinated by Ellie Mackin Roberts. We are delighted that once again the CA will be including membership form for the WCC UK in conference attendee packs this year, and hope that our membership will grow from our profile at the conference. If you’re reading this post, will not be at the CA and would like to join, our membership form is also available online.