Report from the WCC UK steering committee


The WCC UK Steering Committee met on 8th September 2017 to discuss our events programming and other activity for the coming year. This  blog post reports a few highlights of what we discussed and what’s coming up.

Membership: We now have 96 members at a range of HE institutions, outside universities, across disciplines, and at a wide range of career stages. We always welcome new members – can we make it to 100 before the end of the year? Find out more about how to join us here.

Steering Committee elections: nominations for elections to the steering committee open later this month. The WCC UK aims to represent classicists with a wide range of backgrounds, career experiences and disciplines, and we very much want our committee membership to reflect the diversity of experience and perspective within UK classics (broadly defined). We warmly invite self-nominations and nominations of others. More information about the elections process will be sent to members soon.

REF 2020: we are delighted that the WCC UK has been made an official nominating body for the upcoming REF. We have invited people applying to CUDC for nomination to speak to us about letters of support for their nominations.

Mentoring scheme: a subgroup are working on the best way for the WCC UK to provide mentoring to its members, as this is a very popular and often requested support service. We will be consulting the membership about possible models shortly.

Guidance on all-male panels and other events: we will be making our ‘how to’ guide available on the website in the next week or two, and will let you know when it is available. It is designed to be a resource for those organising events and also for those participating in events to use as a springboard to conversations about the issue.

Dates for your diary:

  • 12th February 2018 – LBGT+ Classics: Teaching, Research and Activism, University of Reading – a day dealing with practical and legal issues, pedagogy, research and activism, to coincide with LBGT+ month.
  • Monday 26th March 2018 – midcareer event, University of Durham – we will be making our midcareer days an annual fixture of our calendar following our first successful one in December 2016, and will make sure that it moves around the country. Mark your diaries for this opportunity to catch up with other mid-career classicists and talk about the challenges that face those of us at this career stage.
  • Wednesday 18th April 2018 – AGM, Senate House, London – our theme this year will be ‘activism’.

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