Tag Archive: 2019 AGM

WCC UK AGM 2019 – Foremothers


Our 2019 AGM will take place on Friday 10th May at Cardiff University, from 10am to 6.30pm.


You can register for the event online via Eventbrite; please note that you will need to register separately for the last talk of the day, which is open to the public; free registration is also available via Eventbrite. There are options for in-person registration for the whole AGM, the morning only or the afternoon only. Spaces are limited. Registration is free for paid-up members of the WCC UK, who have received instructions on how to access this ticket type over e-mail; if you need a reminder, please drop us a note at womensclassicalcommittee at gmail.com.

Applications for travel and childcare bursaries are warmly welcomed from postgraduate students, early-career researchers and other low-waged attendees.  If you would like to apply for a travel bursary, please e-mail Carol Atack (carolatack at gmail.com), giving your name, institution (where applicable) and reason for applying for a bursary.

Please drop us a line with any specific dietary requirements after you have registered.


The main entrance of the building where the AGM will take place can be accessed by a ramp or steps. There are two sets of automatic doors to enter the building. The building is equipped with two lifts. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of the building. We will have the use of a quiet room in a building about five minutes’ walk from where the AGM will take place. If you have more questions, please e-mail us.

Child-friendly Policy

The Women’s Classical Committee UK is committed to making our events as inclusive as possible, and recognises that the financial and practical challenges of childcare often impede people from participating in workshops and conferences. Anyone who needs to bring a dependent child or children with them in order to participate in one of our events is usually welcome to do so, but we ask you to inform us of this in advance so that we can take them into account in our event planning and risk assessment.

Attendees who wish to bring children are welcome to do so; the safety and well-being of children remains their carers’ responsibility at all times.
We have access to a private room a short distance from the AGM meeting if it is required for nursing. If you would like to discuss your needs further, please get in touch.

Provisional Programme

9.30am – arrival and registration

10.00am – Welcome and WCC report – Virginia Campbell and Claire Millington, WCC UK co-chairs.

10.15am – speaker – Juliana Bastos Marques (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

11.15am – break-out groups to discuss current professional issues facing women in UK classics – sign up during registration. Topics will include casualisation, the REF and Brexit, and we are very happy to take suggestions. One group will have the opportunity to explore Roman spinning techniques with Magdalena Ohrman (UWTSD).

12.30pm – lunch.

1.15pm – Foremothers panel: our speakers share the stories of some of the women who have inspired them, followed by an open floor for attendees to share their experiences. Chair: Victoria Leonard (RHUL).

Absent Foremothers – Mathura Umachandran (Oxford)
Finding foremothers as a mixed race archaeologist: challenges and hopes for the future – Zena Kamash (RHUL)
When one early Professorin doesn’t make equal opportunities: what lessons do we still need to learn? – Maria Pretzler (Swansea)

2.45pm – break.

3pm – Race, ethnicity and equality in UK Classics: where are we at and what can we do? A town hall style debate which will include discussion of the recent Royal Historical Society report into Race, Ethnicity & Equality in history as a discipline. Chairs: Liz Gloyn (RHUL) and Ellie Mackin Roberts (RHUL).

4.15pm – WCC UK business meeting.

5.30pm – Foremothers: Bringing It All Back Home – Susan Deacy (Roehampton)

A note on catering: coffee is not permitted in the room where we are holding the AGM, although there is a coffee shop in the building. Lunch will be served in a building about five minutes’ walk from where the AGM will take place.

The 2019 AGM of the Women’s Classical Committee UK is generously supported by the Classical Association and the School of History, Archaeology and Religion at Cardiff University.

Save the date – WCC UK AGM 2019


The WCC UK steering committee is delighted to share a festive save the date for our next Annual General Meeting:

Friday 10th May 2019

Cardiff University

Theme: Foremothers 

We will share more about the programme in due course; we hope that the day will give us the opportunity to reflect on those women from all around the world who have influenced us along our journeys, as well as the chance to spend some time together more informally.