Two Mentoring Schemes – Now Open!


The WCC UK is pleased to announce the opening of two mentoring schemes.

Firstly, the Short-term Mentoring Scheme is now open for mentees. This scheme matches mentees with mentors for discussion by email of a specific issue for a short period, not to exceed three months. Mentees will be matched with a mentor within two weeks of sign-up. Full guidelines for the scheme can be viewed here. Mentees can sign up for the scheme here, and mentors can sign up here (thanks to those who have already signed up as mentors). This scheme will remain open year-round. Members are welcome to sign up both as mentors and as mentees.

Secondly, the Take a Grad Student to Lunch Scheme will run for the third time at this year’s Classical Association Conference in Swansea, 17th-20th April. This scheme matches mentors and mentees for a one-off mentoring lunch during the conference. Mentees should be enrolled on an MA or PhD course at any stage from registration to post-viva final submission; mentors should be employed on a permanent contract. We would particularly like to encourage senior staff members (Senior Lecturers/Professors) to sign up as mentors. Both mentors and mentees can sign up using the same form here. Applications close on Friday 6th March.

To access either of these schemes, you should be a member of the WCC UK in good standing; please see the Membership Page for details.

By signing up for any of the WCC UK’s mentoring schemes, you agree to abide by the WCC UK’s Mentoring Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions about these schemes or any other aspect of mentoring through WCC UK, please contact the Mentoring Officer at christine.plastow at open.ac.uk.

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