Some changes in the WCC UK Steering Committee


We have had some recent changes in the WCC UK Steering Committee which we wanted to update you on.

Sadly, our co-chair Claire Millington has had to step down for personal reasons. Claire’s term was due to last until the April 2021 AGM. We are very grateful to Laurence Totelin for agreeing to step in to take up the co-chair role earlier than she was scheduled to. We are also extremely grateful to Claire for all she has done during her time on the WCC UK steering committee, including her leadership of the #WCCWiki initiative and her work on governance issues.

Our long-standing ECR liaison, Kate Cook, has agreed to become a full steering committee member, following our standing practice when we have had a steering committee member step down in the past; we will be preparing a formal policy on how we handle these kinds of transitions for approval at the AGM.

Kate’s move means that we have a vacancy for an ECR liaison, to work with Anna Judson. Acting as a liaison is a great opportunity to meet new people and get some event organising experience in a friendly environment; at the moment we are at the early stages of planning an ECR event for 2020. If you’d like to volunteer or to find out more about what being a liaison involves, please e-mail us at womensclassicalcommittee at gmail.com.

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