The WCC UK at the 2019 CA/FIEC meeting


We are very excited to be able to share that the work of the WCC UK and its members will be well represented at next April’s meeting of the CA/FIEC. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s on the programme from us…

Lexicon and letters: Challenges in studying same-sex desire – a panel in collaboration with the Lambda Classical Caucus US 

How to recognize a kinaidos when you see one: Desire and the decipherment of papyri from Roman Egypt – Tom Sapsford (New York University)

What’s “tribadic” lust? Deconstructing ancient and modern topoi about the tribas – Sandra Boehringer (Université de Strasbourg)

Nikephoros Ouranos’ letters: epistolarity, same-sex desire, and Byzantine reception – Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington)

Winckelmann’s love letters: epistolarity, sexuality, and classical reception – Katherine Harloe (University of Reading)

Queer Classics, Queer Reception: a Roundtable – in collaboration with the Lambda Classical Caucus US

A roundtable on non-binary sexual identities and LGBT+ Classical reception; participants include Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington), Irene Salvo (University of Goettingen), Jennifer Ingleheart (Durham University), Christine Plastow (Open University) and Benjamin Greet (University of Reading).

Ancient Women: Methodology and Inclusivity

Narratology, Gender and Immorality. From Sulpicia 3.9 and 13 to Ovid’s Heroides 4 – Jacqueline Fabre-Serris (University Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3)

Cinnamon and old urine: odour therapies, perfumes, and the female body in the Roman world – Thea Lawrence (University of Nottingham)

Gendered space in Republican Rome: limits and assumptions – Sophie Chavarria (University of Kent)

Sapphic Sisterhood: Classics and the origins of modern lesbian culture – Mara Gold (University of Oxford)

#WCCWiki Session

#WCCWiki Editing Session with Training, on Friday 5th July in the afternoon. Do you want to know more about Wikipedia editing? Would you like to see better representation of women classicists (broadly conceived) on Wikipedia? Then please join us for this free training and editing event. All welcome, and absolutely no experience of Wikipedia editing necessary! Please bring a laptop.

Poster: The Representation of Women in Ancient History and Classics – with Sarah E. Bond (University of Iowa)

This poster illuminates how the representation of women in ancient history and classics has been dramatically advanced since 2016 through two digital humanities initiatives. The Women’s Classical Committee has developed #WCCWiki, a drive to reverse the absence of women classicists on English-language Wikipedia. Sarah Bond and Victoria Leonard have created the Women of Ancient History (WOAH) initiative to increase the visibility of women ancient historians.


We are delighted to be sponsoring a reception at the CA/FIEC on Saturday evening; we are co-hosting with our sister organisations who do similar work in other countries, including Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies, the Classics and Social Justice Affiliated Group of the Society for Classical Studies, EuGeStA, the Lambda Classical Caucus of the Society for Classical Studies, the Women’s Classical Caucus of the Society for Classical Studies, and the Women’s Network of the Classical Association of Canada. More details will follow in due course.

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