Appointment of the next WCC UK Administrator


Applications are now open for the post of Administrator of the WCC UK. The Administrator is responsible for overseeing the administrative aspects of running the WCC UK for the duration of their five year term of service. The current post-holder, Dr. Liz Gloyn, will step down at the next AGM, which will be held on 29th April 2022, and the new Administrator will take up the post then.

According to the WCC UK Rules, “elections are to be held where possible, and nominations by the Steering Committee are to be approved where there is only one candidate” for the Administrator post. To that end, the current WCC UK co-chairs, Dr. Laurence Totelin and Dr. April Pudsey, invite those interested in the post to get in touch by Monday 7th March 2022. Please send a short CV and a one page statement of interest to womensclassicalcommittee @ gmail.com.

Click below the cut to see a detailed role description of what the Administrator currently does. Dr. Gloyn estimates that this work takes about an hour a week, with crunch points of increased workload around the two Steering Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting. She is happy to discuss the post with interested parties; please e-mail her directly at liz.gloyn at rhul.ac.uk.

WCC UK Administrator Role Description

The Administrator of the WCC UK is responsible for overseeing the administrative aspects of running the WCC UK for the duration of their five year term of service.


  • Duties related to being on steering committee
  • Reading/commenting on proposals for activities, plans and campaigns


  • Oversee the WCC UK’s policies, procedures and initiatives, updating existing documentation and introducing new documentation as appropriate
  • Establish new processes and appropriate documentation as necessary
  • Present reports and discuss as necessary at steering committee meetings and the AGM

Steering committee administration

  • Manage access to shared Dropbox and Slack workspace for steering committee and liaisons
  • Manage access to Slack workspace for people working on WCC UK projects
  • Track liaison terms of service and coordinate smooth transitions when new liaisons take office

Meeting administration

  • Facilitate decision on date and location for steering committee meetings and AGM
  • Produce agenda and business papers for steering committee meetings (spring and autumn each year)
  • Facilitate the virtual attendance of steering committee members and liaisons to steering committee meetings as required
  • Form part of the triad organising the annual AGM
  • Produce agenda and business papers for AGM business meeting (April/May)
  • Produce minutes and action points for the steering committee meetings and AGM business meeting


  • Liaise with event triads and web team to publicise events and activities through our blog and social media channels
  • Monitor and respond to messages sent to the central WCC UK e-mail account
  • Communicate with other bodies and individuals from the WCC UK e-mail account as appropriate
  • Communicate important updates with the WCC UK membership through the WCC UK mailing list
  • Send out announcements as appropriate to the WCC UK members and supporters mailing lists

Events administration

  • Facilitate event proposal process to ensure events are approved by the steering committee
  • Ensure event triads submit final reports on their events for inclusion in the shared Dropbox


  • Liaise with Treasurer over membership administration cycle
  • Act as signatory on bank account and associated duties

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