WCC UK AGM 2020 – update
by lizgloyn
Due to the current guidance from Public Health England recommending social distancing to minimise the spread of COVID-19, the Women’s Classical Committee UK 2020 AGM has taken the decision that it will no longer take place physically on 24th April 2020. The host of this year’s AGM, Manchester Metropolitan, remains open but is suspending hosting such events until at least 30 June.
The WCC UK Steering Committee are currently exploring how best to move the AGM to a virtual format, in particular learning from the recent Naked Soul conference run by the Sportula Collective. So please do keep the date free and watch this space for more information about what shape this event will take.
The WCC UK has an explicit child-friendly policy for our events; this will apply to the virtual AGM, and we anticipate many attendees will need to balance participation with child-care. We will do our best to take this into account in our planning.