ECR Event: Tools for a Classics Career


Friday June 7th, 2019 – Worsley Building, (Worsley SR 9.58b), University of Leeds

We are pleased to invite you to the Women’s Classical Committee UK’s 2019 ECR Event: Tools for a Classics Career. This event includes a series of discussions and sessions aimed at giving ECRs a range of resources and information useful for those planning or embarking upon an academic career. The programme is as follows:

10:30-11: Registration

11-12:30: Employment rights and UCU – what could your Union be doing for you?

12:30-1pm: Alternative or small sources of funding – what are they, and how can you find them?

1-2pm: Lunch

2-3:30pm: Academic career planning and prioritising – a discussion featuring academics involved in hiring at a range of institutions, on how to make decisions to best prioritise for your desired career.

3:30-4:30pm: Surviving a Teaching Fellowship – discussion with recent teaching fellows who will share their tips and advice for those working in (often temporary) teaching-only positions.

4:30-5:30pm: Toolkit Planning – a session based on the preceding sessions, aimed at planning and discussing resources which could be put together as a permanent source of help and information for ECRs in Classics.

To register, please contact Dr Jane Draycott at jane.draycott@glasgow.ac.uk. Registration is free for WCC Members, or £5 for non-members. If you’d like to become a member before the event, find out more here.

Thanks to the generous support of the Classical Association, we have bursaries available to support travel costs. Please indicate in your registration if you would like to apply for one of these.

Child-friendly Policy
The Women’s Classical Committee UK is committed to making our events as inclusive as possible, and recognises that the financial and practical challenges of childcare often impede people from participating in workshops and conferences. Anyone who needs to bring a dependent child or children with them in order to participate in one of our events is usually welcome to do so, but we ask you to inform us of this in advance so that we can take them into account in our event planning and risk assessment. Attendees who wish to bring children are welcome to do so; the safety and well-being of children remains their carers’ responsibility at all times. The designated quiet room may be a suitable space for nursing.

If you have any questions, please contact the organisers: Jane Draycott (jane.draycott at glasgow.ac.uk), Kate Cook (k.j.cook at leeds.ac.uk), or Virginia Campbell (v.campbell atexeter.ac.uk)

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