Call for volunteers: Feminism and Classics VII Program Committee


Professor T.H.M. Gellar-Goad writes…

Feminism & Classics VIII will take place May 21–24, 2020, in Winston-Salem, hosted by the Department of Classics and the Department of Philosophy of Wake Forest University. (A CFP will come later; abstracts for proposed papers and panels will be due around September 2019.)

The co-organizers, Professor Emily Austin and Professor T. H. M. Gellar-Goad, intend to form a Program Committee not of Wake Forest faculty but of scholars from a diversity of regions, institutions, disciplines, backgrounds, career stages, and theoretical approaches — and we would like YOU to take part!

The Program Committee will have the following responsibilities, in collaboration of course with the co-organizers:

  • determine the conference theme, or decide not to have one (FemClas VII was “VISIONS”)
  • draft the CFP
  • evaluate, accept, and reject abstracts
  • assemble sessions and the program more generally
  • advise the co-organizers on keynote speakers, breakout sessions, programming beyond the standard conference-paper format, and so forth

If you are interested in being a member of the FemClas ProgComm, apply by emailing THM at thmgg at wfu.edu no later than February 1, 2019, with the following:

  • an informal statement of interest (a paragraph or so)
  • a current c.v.
  • how you’d like your name and affiliation listed
  • the best way(s) to contact you

The co-organisers will acknowledge receipt of applications, and will get back to all applicants by February 15. Please pass the word on to anybody you know of who might be interested!

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