Caring in Classics Network
In February 2021, the Women’s Classical Committee launched the Caring in Classics Network. The Network aims to support people of all genders and at all career stages who are affected by caring. This includes, but is not limited to, care for older people, care for younger people, children, and infants, care for disabled people, and kinship care. The Network organises regular and online ‘coffee-hour’ style meet-ups for members of the Women’s Classical Committee who are affected by care to come together in an informal and private community setting.

Terracotta oinochoe, ca. 420–410 B.C.
The Network was launched with the simultaneous publication of a new WCC policy document, Guidelines for Supporting Carers and Organising Events. These guidelines respond to a significant problem in Higher Education where professional activities such as conferences and events function as a barrier to those with caring responsibilities. They are designed to help make events in Classics more inclusive and diverse.
The Network is organised by Victoria Leonard, Adrastos Omissi, Ellie Mackin Roberts, Rosalind Janssen, and Lucy Jackson. If you would like to get in contact, please email
The Caring in Classics Network holds regular and online ‘coffee-hour’ style meet-ups for members of the Women’s Classical Committee who are affected by care. People of all career stages and all genders are welcome to join the Network and attend the meetups.
WCC members will receive email notification of scheduled meetings and joining details. Please see #CaringInClassics on Twitter for announcements, follow @womeninclassics on Twitter, and like the Women’s Classical Committee’s Facebook page.
Thursday 10 June 2021 – 11.00-12.00 GMT+1
Thursday 25 March 2021 – 14.00-15.00 GMT
Wednesday 24 February 2021 – 15.00-16.00 GMT