Laura Fontana
‘Politicising matrons’ mourning in the early Roman Republic’
Video Essay (Peer Reviewed)
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Fontana, L (2023) ‘Politicising matrons’ mourning in the early Roman Republic’, Assemblywomen 1.
Image Captions
All images are provided with Creative Commons license
- The death of Meleager
- Fulvia inserts the tongue of Cicero’s severed head with a needle
- Roman Forum
- Livia Drusilla’s statue
- Virgil mosaic
- Ambrosian library, Milan
- The funeral of a Roman emperor (Giovanni Lanfranco)
- Capitoline Brutus
- The ancient jewels of Roman women
- Coriolanus begged by his family (Nicolas Poussin)
- Gaius Marcius Coriolanus
- Parthenon
- Cicero denounces Catilina (Cesare Maccari)
- Roman feasts
- Octavianus’ portrait
- Octavianus Augustus
- Capitoline Lupa
- Marcus Junius Brutus with his fellow conspirators
- The secession of the plebs
- Matrons’ generosity
- Gaius Marcius Coriolanus
- Cuman sibyl
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