Laura Fontana

‘Politicising matrons’ mourning in the early Roman Republic’

Video Essay (Peer Reviewed)

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Fontana, L (2023) ‘Politicising matrons’ mourning in the early Roman Republic’, Assemblywomen 1. https://wcc-uk.blogs.sas.ac.uk/assemblywomen/volume-1-2022/fontana-2023

Image Captions

All images are provided with Creative Commons license

  1. The death of Meleager
  2. Fulvia inserts the tongue of Cicero’s severed head with a needle
  3. Roman Forum
  4. Livia Drusilla’s statue
  5. Virgil mosaic
  6. Ambrosian library, Milan
  7. The funeral of a Roman emperor (Giovanni Lanfranco)
  8. Capitoline Brutus
  9. The ancient jewels of Roman women
  10. Coriolanus begged by his family (Nicolas Poussin)
  11. Gaius Marcius Coriolanus
  12. Parthenon
  13. Cicero denounces Catilina (Cesare Maccari)
  14. Roman feasts
  15. Octavianus’ portrait
  16. Octavianus Augustus
  17. Capitoline Lupa
  18. Marcus Junius Brutus with his fellow conspirators
  19. The secession of the plebs
  20. Matrons’ generosity
  21. Gaius Marcius Coriolanus
  22. Cuman sibyl


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